Tales of a Ninth-Grade Molly

I'm Molly-- a nice Mormon girl who tries hard not to wear ugly pants. If you're feeling masochistic, entrench yourself in my tame, frustrated, fry-eating existence.

3 Sept 2005, 11:10 pm

Ok, the world is officially ending.

I know. My posterities and random internet people viewing this blog are all going to think that I’m a dramatic and immature person. But I just have to say,

Why do girls (and boys) go mental in the ninth grade? My grandfather, who has been a high-school English teacher for twenty years, warned me about this. He said that ninth graders should be put in a deep freeze until they reached the tenth grade, to save everyone a lot of trouble. I thought he was just exaggerating. He tends to get dramatic about these things.

Come to think of it, drama must run in my family. My mom gets dramatic about things too… like when I use improper phone etiquette. Or put on my Sunday blouses without ironing them. What’s so evil about a wrinkly shirt? It’s not like Bishop Marvin is going to take away my temporary recommend because I wear wrinkled clothing to church. He does, however, lecture sternly about abstinence from caffeinated beverages.

I’m proud to say that I have never had soda with caffeine in it. But I have heard that weird things like broccoli and potatoes have caffeine in them. Which was pretty confusing to me, theologically speaking, until I thought it through and figured that maybe potato caffeine is a good kind of caffeine, whereas soda caffeine causes Leprousy and we’ll find this out in twenty years or so, after half the American teenage population is quarantined in Peruvian leper colonies.

I’m not one to question the D&C 89. At the same time, there is no way on this planet that I will ever stop eating chocolate, which has a lot more caffeine in it than broccoli. And probably not the good kind, either.

Anyway. I knew that the world had officially ended almost as soon as I stepped off of the school bus, which, by the way, I have decided never to ride again. It’s a moot point, really; I start seminary tomorrow morning, and my mom will have to drive me. There is no bus that comes to the boonies where I live at that hour of the morning.

Ugh. I can’t believe that I have just set my alarm clock for 5:15 am. It’s indecent.

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