Tales of a Ninth-Grade Molly

I'm Molly-- a nice Mormon girl who tries hard not to wear ugly pants. If you're feeling masochistic, entrench yourself in my tame, frustrated, fry-eating existence.

Sept 4, 6:27 am.

I don’t know how I’m going to do this. The teacher hasn’t even finished the roll yet, and already I’m falling asleep and making puddles of drool on my desk. Well, it wasn’t a puddle… more like a damp smudge. But drool of any kind is way embarrassing.

I know two of the girls in my class pretty well-- Marsie went to elementary school with me and we’ve been practically inseparable since the first grade when my family moved here. And Ella joined my Merrie Miss class when the wards were reorganized, even though she went to a different school. She actually went to a school that had an elementary school and a junior high school that were separate, and so she’s a little more with-it and trendy than Marsie and I.

In a way I sort of secretly admire Ella’s dressing habits. All jokes about wrinkly shirts aside, I’m starting to get sort of self-conscious about my wardrobe. Well, just started being self-conscious, fifteen minutes ago.

That may possibly be because a boy who is sitting in a desk next to mine snickered at me and pointed out to his friend in a whisper loud enough that I heard that I was wearing ugly pants.

Well, I guess they are kind of wierd looking. They’re high on my shins and are a sort of pink color due to being washed with my new red shirt.

But I would think that he would have the decency to introduce himself to me before whispering about me behind my back.

Who says that Mormon kids are any different from normal kids? If anyone does, have them come chat with me.

I'm actually sort of dissappointed. I was hoping mormon kids WERE different from all the others.

Maybe I need to find myself some new pants.

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