Tales of a Ninth-Grade Molly

I'm Molly-- a nice Mormon girl who tries hard not to wear ugly pants. If you're feeling masochistic, entrench yourself in my tame, frustrated, fry-eating existence.

Thurs., Sept 19, 2:17 pm


I feel a little dizzy. My heart is still fluttering. And yet, I have this overwhelming feeling of happiness—like I’m about to explode. It feels like I’ve got grape soda running through my veins or something—

I wonder if this is what drugs are like.

If so, I don’t blame people for getting hooked.


I got up and began with the little lick at the beginning, and I heard my own timid voice and saw the skeptical looks on the faces of the self-satisfied older kids, and so I just let loose. Roared.

I am Molly, Hear Me Roar. That’s what it was.

They all got into it, after they got over their incredulousity-- clapping, standing, moving to the beat.

I think I heard someone yell out something, just like in my daydream. Hopefully it was something compatible with gospel music, not something obscene.

Anyway, one of the cool older guitar-playing boys came and shook my hand. Seriously—he shook it. Like he was a missionary or something. And told me I was cool and stuff.


I’m Aretha.

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