Tales of a Ninth-Grade Molly

I'm Molly-- a nice Mormon girl who tries hard not to wear ugly pants. If you're feeling masochistic, entrench yourself in my tame, frustrated, fry-eating existence.

Sunday, Sept 22

Today we had "the talk" in Young Women's again. You know-- the lesson wherein they describe how you should never stop a car in a parking lot with a boy. And how if you do, you should leave your seat belt on.

Excuse me for thinking this, but... I mean, isn't there plenty of trouble you can get into with a seatbelt on? And for that matter-- what kind of trouble are you more likely to get into in a car that you wouldn't just as easily get into, say, in a janitorial closet? (I'm only using this as an example). Or a deserted field. Or the girl's bathroom. I mean, seriously.

So I have resolved to never be alone with a boy, ever.

Until I turn sixteen.

Sigh. I think I'm going to ask my mom to give me mace for my sixteenth birthday.

2 Wisecracks:

Blogger BrookeJean said...

I remember when I was in the same position and I felt the same way. Lucky for me I had good guy friends and I knew they'd never put me in an awkward situation. Don't worry ... it only gets worse once you are 16. ;)

3:12 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

thats funny - your blog is funny. its true about the seatbelt, good point

12:50 AM  

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