1:30 am.
that was, well. As close to outer-darkness as it comes here on earth.
Those kids are MONSTERS!! They run and jump off of things, and while you're getting one in trouble for something, three more of them try it, and Holy popsicles, batman. They, between them all, must have eaten 2 whole boxes of otter pops. And then smeared some on the carpet... it was, unfortunately, the blue. So I'm scrabbling all over looking for cleaning supply, and I find only windex. I try and try but it just isn't coming out, and all the kids are hanging all over me watching me clean with big round eyes and a knowledge that they (and me) will be deat meat when the parents (all four of them, against me) arrive...
not to mention none of them went entirely to bed until midnight. I was nearly incoherent by the time they got home. I ate one piece of chocolate cake for dinner. That was all I had time for.
And then, when they did get home (Sister Schottal just smiled kindly and put her arm around me and said, "Happens all the time, don't worry I just use club soda") the bishop had the nerve...
the absolute GALL...
to ask me to speak in sacrament meeting tommorrow morning.
And slipped me an extra fiver.
IT IS NOT WORTH IT. Heavenly Father, I'm sorry I asked for jeans. I'll never pray such a frivolous prayer again.
But I promise you, Heavenly Father, that I will put those jeans to good use.
OH my word, I just realized... I have to pay TITHING. so I still need $5.00.